Thursday 4 July 2024

'I Wanted To Make A Happy Film'

'I wanted people to know that women across all ages have an exciting life.'

from rediff Top Interviews

Wednesday 3 July 2024

'What Bigger Award One Can Hope For?'

I did not take up research for any award.'

from rediff Top Interviews

'Modi Is Not Yet a Legitimate PM'

'Just because the NDA has a majority and the BJP is the single largest party does not mean that this Modi government enjoys a majority in the Lok Sabha.'

from rediff Top Interviews

'You're Always On Your Toes'

'You have to be good in your project that's releasing today for you to be working on something tomorrow. That will always be the case.'

from rediff Top Interviews

Tuesday 2 July 2024

When Can Speaker Expunge MPs' Remarks?

'Expunging remarks is within the powers of the Speaker.'

from rediff Top Interviews

Monday 1 July 2024

'You Can't Understand Human Beings...'

'...without looking into yourself.'

from rediff Top Interviews

'Tax Relief For Middle Class Will...'

'Like every Budget, this time, too, there is chatter around tinkering with the long-term capital gains tax.'

from rediff Top Interviews

'I Wanted To Make A Happy Film'

'I wanted people to know that women across all ages have an exciting life.' from rediff Top Interviews